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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The Master Cleanse its whats for breakfast

Good Morning Friends,

The First Picture is what I looked like on May 1st at 248 pounds...pretty sweet gut right.. The second picture is what I looked like after just a few days of juicing.  The next picture is what I looked like during the second part of my challenge, and the last picture was taken yesterday on day three of doing the Master Cleanse.  Check out the progression for yourself.  Just a footnote, yesterday my son Taylor's best friend Uriah asked me if I was pregnant, so just keep in mind I still have a bit of weight to loose before I am at my goal...And my new goal is to not have small children ask me if im pregnant..Too Funny

Today is day 4 of my final ten days of the 30 day challenge.  Just to recap, I started out May 1st and my goal was to spend the first 10 days drinking nothing but fresh juice straight from my Breville Juice Fountain Juicer.  I was mainly drinking juice from the following Ingredients.  Spinach, Kale, Cucumber, Lemon, Ginger, Carrots, Celery, and some times beets.  Well under the advice of my health care provider, I decided to add Protein to my Juice a couple of times per day, as well as some pulp from the leftovers from the veggies I pulverized.  But since I fell down on my face on Day 4 by drinking a Jamba Juice, and a couple of Super Food Odwallas, I decided to add 4 days to my Juicing, and so my 30 day challenge has turned into a 34 day challenge.  So after the initial 14 days of juicing, which I loved by the way, was followed up by 10 days of eating a vegetarian diet, with Juicing at its core, but I also ate fruits and Veggies, Nuts, Seeds, and Sprouted Grains.  Which brings us to the final 10 days, which is the Master Cleanse.  I had not heard of the Master Cleanse up until the last few months, and the more I looked into it, the more I was wanting to try it.  In fact my original plan was to do the Master Cleanse only, but after considering all that I was wanting to accomplish, I chose to create a modified plan, which I believe has really served me well going into the final stage of my challenge.  

What is the Master Cleanse?  It is a combination of the following ingredients.  Lemon(fresh squeezed), Grade B Maple Syrup, Cayenne Pepper and Pure Water.  So before you start sending me emails, and telling me that this doesn't work, I am not doing this primarily to lose weight.  The Journey that I'm on is to get healthy, to Reboot my system, to recharge it, and to detoxify it to the best of my ability.  The combination of the activities that I outlined above have done just that.  And by the way I feel amazing.  I have a completely clear mind, I am not hungry like you would think that I am and I am not weak.  I have been walking 2-3 times a day, as well as riding my bike, and going to the gym through this entire process.  I have changed the way that I relate to food, I have new and improved taste buds, and I am not a slave to the cravings that once held me chained to my refrigerator most of the day and night.  The Master Cleanse has been around for many years and many people have done it and had great success doing it.  For more information on the master cleanse check out It has been called the Lemonade Diet, the Beyonce diet, and the maple syrup diet, but they are all the same, and the idea is that you sip this spicy lemonade throughout the day, so you never get low blood sugar, and the lemon and cayenne pepper go to work on breaking down mucous, and removing toxins from your body, while the nutrient rich, sucrose rich maple syrup gives you the energy you need to get through the day.  The daily amount of Lemonade you drink gives you just under 1,000 calories a day, so it is not a complete starvation cleanse, you stay amazingly satisfied, and like I said I feel amazing.  I would love to know if any of you have tried this cleanse before, and with what results.  I will continue to update this blog over the next six days to let you know how I am feeling.  I hope you are all enjoying vibrant health, and thank you again to all of my friends who have begun there own reboot, and I look forward to seeing the results of your journey.


Michael Lisle

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Fit4Good "Its All About Balance Baby"

Good Morning Friends,

As you may have noticed from reading my previous post's I always start out by saying good morning friends, and most of the time I post at night, well I always read my friends post's in the morning so I figure you guys do as well, besides its morning somewhere right.  I have no idea why I felt it necessary to explain myself, but I am having a tough time figuring out what I want to say first, so I am just waisting time with idle banter, until the good stuff comes pouring out of me..OK......any time now........enter in the theme from Jeopardy, as the clock begins to run out on your interest in this goes..

As I have stated in previous post's my hope is to inspire one or more of you to believe that you can feel better than you do right now.  I know it is tough to imagine feeling better when you suffer from chronic conditions, such as asthma, joint pain, irritable bowl syndrome, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, depression, any kind of foot pain, swollen legs, restless leg syndrome, sleep apnea, obesity, and the list goes on and on.  You may suffer from type 2 diabetes, hypothyroidism, or any of the many ism's that are out there.  If I have left out your particular type of chronic condition I am sorry, for the sake of time, who could list all of them.  But I believe that we can sum up by asking the following.  Do you feel like garbage just about everyday, and it is all  you can do just to get out of bed, and limp through your day, without breaking down in tears do to the feeling of hopelessness you are used to experiencing day in and day out.  I can relate, I have experienced profound depression, seemingly unending pain, where the only medication that can make you feel better is slowly making you sick.  In fact most of the drugs that are out there, and are prescribed for chronic conditions actually are making you sicker....This Sucks Right?

I began my Reboot on May 1st and have run into a few snags along the way, but for the most part, I have experienced a profound life change during this Reboot.  I am off of my anti depressant completely, no longer have heart burn, which was a real drag.  I am completely off of pain killers, which for any of you who have experienced chronic pain, can attest that this is no small feet.  About 2 years ago, actually a bit longer than that now, realizing that I needed to get some help, because I was having to take way to many pills a day just to feel normal.  I began taking Vicodin for pain, due to knee pain.  I have had 3 knee surgeries now, and have had a biceps tendon reattached to my elbow.  It began innocent enough, but after years of taking them, at the end I was taking about 20 pills a day.  I have heard of people taking way more than this, but for me this amount was plenty, and I was getting very, very sick.  My liver was not functioning very well, I was very swollen all of the time.  I even experienced feelings of heart attacks, my feet would swell up to about 5 times there normal size.  I had to be taken to the hospital from church one day about six years ago, because I think that I ran out, and I just fell over, and felt like I was going to die.  Fortunately I got help.  I went to a clinic and got on Methadone as a replacement for the Opiate Pills I was taking.  Now some of you may not be familiar with Methadone.  Most people just say, that I traded one addiction for another.  While this may be true, Methadone does not have any harmful side effects to the liver, or to any other organs.  After a week or so of getting your dose adjusted you basically feel normal after taking it, without any feelings of euphoria, or any other effect that would make you want to abuse it.  One of the other great side effects of taking it, is that you no longer have the urge to take more pain pills than you need, if you should end up needing them again.  I actually did need them again.  I got my right knee scoped I believe in December of 2010, and then my left knee in January.  I took the recommended dose just as I was prescribed, and it seemed to not have any special hold on me anymore, and I attribute that to Methadone.  I have been able to kick all of my prescription medications except for two.  One of course is Methadone, which I have been having my dose cut every two weeks under supervision of a doctor.  The other is Testosterone.  One of the unfortunate side effects of taking Methadone is low Testosterone.  When I went in to get tested for levels, they found that I had the levels that men in there 80's have.  I definitely was feeling it too.  So I do plan to get completely off of this as well, I am not there yet.  The reason that I am including this kind of information is that I want you all to get the whole picture, and when this transformation has run its course, a triumphant Michael Jordan Lisle, will have completely removed the shackles that have kept me prisoner under the guise of helping me to feel better.  And thats the point isn't it to FEEL BETTER..WOULD YOU LIKE TO FEEL BETTER TODAY?

How can you start feeling better right now?  I know this sounds like a tall order, however the verdict is in.  Just by replacing some of the processed food that you have been eating with some healthy, organic, and raw food, you can start feeling better immediately.  Now before I lose you, do to that reaction that most people seem to have, which is yeah right buddy, this is not for me.  I want you to just trust me for just a trial period of time, and just test out whether you can start feeling better, and I am here to tell you that you can, and will.  

Start your Day with the Mean Green Juice.  You know the one.  Spinach, Kale, Carrots, Celery, Lemon, Ginger, Cucumber, and apple.  It is a Rockin Juice, and it is full of amazing nutrients and enzymes that are guaranteed to make you feel more alive than you have felt in a long time, or even ever.  Make a commitment to do a Reboot, as seen on the Movie, Fat Sick and Nearly Dead, click hear to watch the movie on Hulu.


This Movie has inspired hundreds of thousands of people now, and I believe that it is a great start for most people.  You may have some or even most of the conditions that I listed above, however most if not all of them are completely reversible if you give your body a chance to heal, and a chance to recalibrate to give you the much needed energy you will need to go to the next level.  The next level is living a new balanced life, where it is no longer takes you much time, or forethought to put together a healthy meal for yourself and your family.  You have plenty of energy each day to exercise, and get the things done in your day that truly bring you Joy.  

I am finding that this process has been just the beginning for me.  I am open to what God has in store for me, and I get that my happiness has been about my circumstances, and that is no way to live.  God wants us to experience joy and a peace that is beyond understanding.  For me, it is about being in service to my friends, family, and my extended church family.  I love to worship, and play my guitar to glorify my creator.  I now have plenty of energy to do so.  I love spending time with My Wife Tricia, and playing with my Children, Jordan, Madison, and Taylor.  I now have the energy to do all of that.  Balance is the key to all of this, but getting started was the hardest part.  I needed to accept that what I was doing wasn't giving me the results that I was looking for, and I needed to do something different to achieve a different result.  Doing this 30 day Challenge has been the ticket for me, and I believe that when it is over, that I will have changed so much, physically, mentally, and spiritually, that you wont barely recognize me.  How does that sound to you?  How would you like to have such a profound transformation that happens in just 30 days, that lays the foundation for you living the life that you have been dreaming about?  I am here as living proof baby, If I can do it...SO CAN YOU... LET ME SUPPORT YOU TODAY.  I want to encourage you, coach you, and believe in you, even if you don't believe yet.  Email me, post a question on here if you have one, and lets get going...Who's With Me?  Will it BE YOU?


Thursday, May 17, 2012

The Eye OF The Juice Tiger

Good Morning Friends,

You know the reason I wanted to do this Blog, was to first of all, create a public forum, for me to share my thoughts, and experiences while going through this period of transformation.  I got much more than I bargined for.  I have had literally dozens of people tell me, that they are inspired by what I am doing, and some have jumped on the band wagon and have bought a juicer, and have or will begin there own Reboot as soon as Breville gets its most popular juicer(The Juice Fountain) back in stock.  If you would like to order one for yourself please go to  Or just follow this link, The Juice Fountain

I have had a wide variety of responses to this 30 day challenge that I am doing.  While most people have been very encouraging, and are like you go boy, I have had many people say wow, I could never do that, or thats ok for you, but I dont have the will power to drink just juice.  I have even had a few tell me, that what I am doing is so unhealthy, and that I am harming my body, and should expect that I will just wither up and lose all of my hard earned muscle. Well I am writing this on day 15, and that picture was taken yesterday. Granted My results are not typical.  My Friend and Pastor Joe Schupp said to me last night, that he thinks that nobody in the World, well the U.S for sure, gains and loses weight faster than me.  While this may be true, I would like to see the data for myself to confirm, it is not about the weight for me anymore.  It is about the HEALTH that's in THE JUICE .

I have the eye of the juice tiger baby.  I will agree that this length of time of just drinking juice is not a good idea for everyone.  However, this lenght of time was right for me.  I was fifty pounds overweight at least, and lets face it, if you are thin and fit, a modified reboot may be the ticket for you.  I do not have a big amount of will power.  While the first few days were challenging to say the least, I just kept looking at the way I looked when I started all of this.Eeew.Gross

Lets face it, I have hardly withered up and blown away.  However I have lost quite a bit of Belly Fat, Facial Bloat, inflammation causing me pain in my joints, fatigue that lasts all day, horrible depression, heart burn, and  sleep apnea just to a few of the things that I dont seem to have anymore.  Not to mention the twenty pounds that I no longer have to lug around.  So, to all of the "Non Believers" out there, wouldn't you say that the evidence deserves a bit more investigation on your parts.

What have I done so far?

I began my 30 day Challenge by drinking only Juice.  Tricia bought a Juice Fountain by Breville, after we watched the movie Fat Sick And Nearly Dead.  After discussing my plans with a Health Care Professional, I decided to add Vegetable Protein to my Juices.  I use Raw Protein from Garden of Life that I have been getting from Whole Foods.  I add a scoop to about 40 ounces of Juice, that gives me about 20 grams of protein per juice. This product provides protein from 13 organic sprouts, probiotics, and enzymes, as well as Beta Glucans, SOD, Glutathione, and CoQ10.  I will be doing a special blog this week on what impact nutrients like the above mentioned can have on our overall health and vitality.  I know what your thinking.  Sweet cause I have NO Idea What Mike is talking about.  I Rarely Know What I'm talking About so we are Good..HA..HA...Just Kidding..No but Really...Lets Go On..(:

  I have been paying $26.99 for 22 ounces of powder after a $5.00 off in store coupon. So expect to pay about 30 bucks, but if you would like to purchase online go to they are not a superstore, however it is a site that is run by a real expert on health and nutrition.  In addition to adding protein to my juices, I also have added pulp from the Juicing to aid in eliminating toxins from my gut during the Reboot process. It is important to have a healthy flora balance for optimal health so I have also been taking a probiotic product to aid in proper flora balance. I recommend Source Naturals Life Flora, it is a combination of some of the most stable probiotics on the market.  I recommend taking 2-3 20-30 minutes before each meal, or juice.  I also have been supplementing with Nordic Naturals EPA Xtra, Omega 3's are among the most important fats we can ingest, and have a wide range of health implications if we dont get enough of them, which most of us dont.

I read recently an incredibly disturbing report from something called the GAP Report which stated that only 6% of Americans get enough Fruits Daily, and only 8% of Americans get enough veggies.  This is not shocking to me at all, before I got focused on this I was only eating a  serving of veggies a week.  It is no wonder why I looked like spent all day slugging beer and watching professional Poker on ESPN.

My Staple Juice is basically the Mean Green that is spoken of by Phil Staples on the Movie Fat Sick and Nearly Dead.  By the way you really must see this movie if you haven't already. Here is the Recipe.

6-8 Kale Leaves(Not Bagged)
half a bunch of Spinach(not bagged)
1/4 Lemon
1 3/4 inch piece of Ginger
4 Stalks of Celery
8 Carrots
2-3 small apples (I used Green or Fugi)
Beet Greens, and 1 large beet(Rotating)
1 half of a Cucumber ( Hot House is the Best I think)
Wheat Grass(Rotating)

This is the Juice that I drink most of the time, however I do drink a fruit juice as well, a couple of times per week.  Notice that I dont put a bunch of fruit in with my veggies.  Apple is a very neutral fruit, and doesnt make the juice overly sweet, but does make the mix less bitter and easier to first, but as time goes on, its amazing what you can get used to. I also rotate certain ingredients as well.  Its important to do a bit of research into the profile of nutrients that are found in your ingredients.  Oxalic Acid is found in Kale, Spinach, and Beets as well.  Oxalic Acid actually robs calcium from where ever it goes in your blood stream, so its important not to flood your body with too much of this stuff.  You can fight the effects of Oxalic Acid a couple of ways.  Number one you should take a couple of Table Spoons of Apple Cider Vinegar before you drink a juice that is high in Oxalic Acid.  And the second is the funnest part..Exercise..Yes Exercise can help your body to rid itself of this Calcium Robbing Criminal.  It is also important to add some kind of Vinegar to your baby spinach that you cook to.  Whether you Juice it or cook it...It is still there, ready to run off with your calcium like Paris Hilton with the Hope Diamond..

Well I hope this recipe is helpful, and I hope you drink yourself to Great Health, and the New You that is Hiding behind all of that Fat and Bloat, will thank you for it later...Love Ya..


Mike Lisle
The Juice Man

Monday, May 7, 2012

Day 5 Leave Me Alone Im Fat

Good Morning Friends,

I know that I did not post yesterday, I have chosen not to blog on Sunday's, so I will do a double post on Monday's, one in the A.M. and then once again in the P.M.  That is unless I get a Job, or a life, or something similar to one of those, than I will most likely start doing video entries to save time.  Unless you really like to read than I will keep writing cause I am a serious people pleaser.(; totally kidding...

Let me just start out by saying that I was really excited yesterday when I saw Denise and Keith Wills at Capitola Community Church, Keith was our guest speaker, and I found out that Denise really enjoys reading my blog.  I cant tell you how affirming it was to have this conversation, and I will tell you why.  I beleive that one of the most basic needs of all of us is to connect to others, and I have always been at my best when I am connected to a community, like the Blue Rock Shoot community, an amazing Open Mic in Saratoga CA, that was started by Richard Adoradio, Lindy Way, and built on an amazing group of talented singer song writers, free stylers, and musicians from every style of music from Jazz to Blues, to Rock and Roll and even some Hip Hop. This is not just any Open Mic, I began coming with Richard from the very beginning, in those day's Richard, Ryder(my brother), and I were the Alchemy Brothers.  I Loved being there with these guys, our vocal harmonies were rich, and our intramentals were well practiced, and very tight.  We had great friendships, holiday parties, and people from every walk of life came and were welcomed with open arms, and could sign up on a chalk board to share what they would normally only play in there living room, with little or no audience.  This community gave birth to many talented partnerships, a wonderful music studio was built, song writing workshops and guitar lessons were all created out of what began in that Open Mic, which never would have began unless, Richard had not had the vision to create an alternative to the Bay Area Folks, which was the only other game in town at the time but not everybody's cup of tea.. For me and many others this was a great way to connect with people with similar interests. This is just one of many ways that we can expand and get out and connect.  At one point I stopped going to the Open Mic, and it wasn't long after that, that I stopped going out all together, eventually I got horribly depressed, started gaining weight, eating got out of control..Yada..Yada..Yada..  The point is the connection was severed, and I turned inward, and began spending a lot of time in my own head.  I got to tell you, this is a very bad neighborhood. I have many great friends from Prospect that I haven't seen in over 20 years now.  My very best friends at the time T.J, I only spent some time with this past year because my other best friend Danny Clark passed away.  I hadn't seen him since before graduation.  I am totally heart broken thinking about Danny.  Him and I did everything together.  We were all so inseparable, we caused trouble, banged our heads, jumped off of very tall structures into cold water under hazardous conditions and lived to tell about it.  I take full responsibility for allowing these relationships to falter.  Disconnection from friends and family is a major catalyst for getting into other damaging habits.  When basic human needs are not filled, unhealthy habits often fill the void. Has anyone else ever had this experience, we have major voids in our life, so we spiral into a place called Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead(A Harmless Plug for the movie that inspired me)  Listen to the following basic necessary activities essential to living a well adjusted life, I just wasn't doing any of them

I stopped answering my phone(I became a screener)
I stopped opening my mail
Bills...yup stopped paying them
Work..I stopped going
Church, I stopped going for a while
I stopped practicing guitar
I stopped going out with friends
I stopped eating healthy foods as a primary source of calories
I started making sweets, and foods laden with fat and full of empty c
arbs as my primary source.

Now the people who know me best might say, that this does not sound like me.  The Reality is that I put on a front for the few people that I still kept in touch with.  I was in a state of constant despair, just bursting out crying for no apparent reason.  I was shut out by my parent's when I decided to become a Christian, and they further shut all five of their kids when they found out that we reported my father to the authorities in 2 Counties.  And then to make things worse I shut out the people who were in my life that loved me most.  How many of you, have I spent time with any any kind of really intimate way in the last 15 years.  I have a list of friends on Facebook that I am incredibly proud of.  Just about every person on here has meant an awful lot to me at different stages of my life, and I just want to say one thing to you.


The following is sited from Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs.
Note:  Love and Belonging is the second most important need listed above water, food, sleep, and The Biggest Loser.

After physiological and safety needs are fulfilled, the third layer of human needs are interpersonal and involve feelings of belongingness. The need is especially strong in childhood and can over-ride the need for safety as witnessed in children who cling to abusive parents. Deficiencies with respect to this aspect of Maslow's hierarchy – due to hospitalismneglectshunningostracism etc. – can impact individual's ability to form and maintain emotionally significant relationships in general, such as:
  • Friendship
  • Intimacy
  • Family
Humans need to feel a sense of belonging and acceptance, whether it comes from a large social group, such as clubs, office culture, religious groups, professional organizations, sports teams, gangs, or small social connections (family members, intimate partners, mentors, close colleagues, confidants). They need to love and be loved (sexually and non-sexually) by others. In the absence of these elements, many people become susceptible to loneliness, social anxiety, and clinical depression. This need for belonging can often overcome the physiological and security needs, depending on the strength of the peer pressure; an anorexic, for example, may ignore the need to eat and the security of health for a feeling of control and belonging

A very good friend of mine wouldn't come to house to go to the pool with me and my family because he didn't want anybody see him in his swim trunks.  I have been putting off trying to get a job in my chosen profession in the Natural Foods Industry, because I was ashamed of how I look.  How can I sell supplements to people looking like this.  The fact is that so many of us are so ashamed of how we look that we just stay home.  Does this ring true with anybody out there?  I understand it, I have felt it, and I have used it as an excuse as to why I shouldn't enjoy life to its full, and its been going on too long.  We use our weight to push people away, we use our depression as an excuse to not connect with others. Its Time to Change all of this!!! What do you say?  Are you with me?  Lets begin today, by calling an old friend, plan a get together(make sure to invite me) Go to an Open Mic, Check local listings for the Blue Rock in Saratoga.  I believe they are meeting on Thursday Nights at 7PM.

Together we can be the change we want to see in the world.  It all starts with a conversation, so please join this conversation by leaving a comment, leave some questions, leave some request's..Let Do it..Im Ready Are YOU?

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Day 4 Keeping it Real...

Good Morning Friends,
                                                                      Day 4

I know that I said that I was going to talk supplements today, but I will put something together later on when I have had a chance to do more research, and have had time to really experience what affects supplements are having on this process.

I just logged into my blogger after taking a walk to the store this morning(got up at 5:30 and realized it was too early to run the Juicer) and I decided to take a walk early.  Oh by the way I am going to rename my juicer "The Drake" so if you hear my refer to The Drake from time to time its because I am talking about my juicer.  And NO I AM NOT GOING CRAZY...My first car was a green 1971 Plymouth Satellite, and I named it The Drake after a character on Seinfeld; I digress.  I logged on and realized that I have had 73 page views of my blog..So stoked, I am glad you are reading this, and please leave a comment, if anything I say resonates with you.  Oh and before I get started on my upcoming confession, I had an hour workout yesterday that felt amazing.  Who says you cant subsist on just juice and not have tons of energy.  I turned a corner, I do have a ton of energy today.  I am on Day Five but I am writing about Day 4 because I want to wait until the end of each day before I write about it, otherwise I would just be prophesying, and who wants to hear about what I think is going to happen..Lame...(said like a 13 year old valley girl) I am killing myself...Anyway I am very ashamed of myself...Head hanging low..

OK lets get this out of the way I CHEATED on my Reboot.

 Late in the night on Day 3 while on a walk I stopped at the store, was feeling peckish and so I had 3 8 Oz bottles of the Odwalla Super food drink , and yesterday I took Taylor and Madison to Jamba Juice, and we all got a Peanut Butter Mood Drink.  I know that this is all liquid and there is a belief in the world today, that Jamba Juice drinks are good for you, and that the Odwalla Super food is the benchmark for healthy drinks out there.  Well after drinking but fresh juice, that is coming from Organic fresh produce, I am much more aware of the nutrients affect on my body.  The Odwalla Super food, while it has great ingredients, it is made mostly of fruit juice puree, and then it also has a small amount of other super foods in it.  It is so sweet(full of Sugar) and it says on the label not a significant source of Vitamin A...How is this possible?  It has Spirulina, Jerusalem Artichoke, Dulce, so it should have some Vitamin A in there, but because it is pasteurized it only retains its mineral content mostly, with some retention of Vitamin C and Vitamin K.  The Peanut Butter Mood while this used to be my favorite thing to get at Jamba Juice, it left me feeling like I cheated, and it wasn't nearly as satisfying as a Juice would have been.  While it is much better than drinking a Diet Coke, it falls short of being Reboot worthy, and for this I vow to flog myself with something chalk full of preservatives, and sulphates like a Giant Salome.  I am very aware right now of how what I am putting into my body is affecting the way I feel, and quite frankly happy that I drank those and realized that they were not compatible with what I am wanting to achieve right now.

Will I drink these things after all of this is behind me?  Sure why not, I want to create a balance in the way I approach honoring my body.  As a foundation for my daily nutritional intake, I will consume foods that are high in Nutrients, and low in Calories.  Not processed low fat, or Non Fat foods, no not me Jack.  I will eat to support my lifestyle, and of course enjoy treats, but I am pretty sure that when all is said and done, what I previously considered a treat will have completely changed.

Even though I blew it, I am not going to let it define this challenge for me, just as I wont let my past  define who I am.  The awesome thing about life, is that we get to chose who we are, and who we are being from moment to moment.  We don't need to get stuck in the stories of our past.  I have done this for Years.  I have been thinking about all of times that i have gotten drunk, and cried like a baby about my sour relationship with my parents, or thinking about all of the Abuse that my brothers and sisters have endured at the hands of my Father. The first time that I just started balling for no reason was in the seventh grade.  For some of you who were there, do you remember the wall that we all used to sit on at Castro Middle School.  We all really were good friends, and many of these friendships still exist today.  I remember it too well.  Shannon Sterling, Becky Edwards, Jeannine Trythol, Tony Ngo Jeremy Ferem Beautner, Lori Lott, Jennifer Dumas, Ce Ce, Randy, T.J Hoyte, Danny Clark, and so many others( Forgive me if I butchered the spelling of your last name).  So many great times on that wall, but one day in the seventh grade I just broke down and started crying.  The reality of that time, was that my oldest sister was being abused, all of us kids were being verbally and or some kind of sexual abuse, either directly or indirectly, and on top of that my parents were constantly fighting.  My Mother would take us to the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses where we did have some reprieve from that kind of environment. While it was nice to have a community like that I really didn't like going all that much, and while I really loved God, I always felt like something wasn't quite right about it.  I will talk about this in a future post.  But in spite of all of the abuse, I always wanted to be accepted by  my father, I wanted to be loved by him, I wanted to impress him, I wanted him to proud of me.  I excelled in school early on, and with many of my very successful friends now, at country lane, we were always on the honor role, and in band doing my best to get my Fathers approval.  Both my parents were musicians and my Dad was an amazing guitar player.  He wouldn't even let me play in his presence.  Well in those days I plucked, but he wouldn't even let me play in the house while he was there.  Things got so bad, that my after getting into Pot, Drinking, and even Crank as early as age 11 and 12 I finally moved out of my parents and into T.J Hoyte's house.

I would like to just take a minute and just give the Hoyte Family Huge Props for what they did for me in those years.  Sandy and Tom were the parents that I always wished I had, God Rest Tom's Soul, he was a great man, and I miss him very much.  I am tearing up right now, just thinking about how kind they were to take me in when things were so ruff at home.  Shay was and is like a sister, and T.J will always remain my brother.  I didn't always fit in, and later on in my teen years, I got back into the Jehovah s witness religion, and that pretty much was the end of any kind of regular friendship with any of my old friends.  Adam McCarthy, T.J. Danny Clark were my boys, and after that I all but lost touch with them, until Facebook came along.  I did try to get ahold of Danny on a few occasions, but not nearly enough, and when he died, a small piece of me died with him.  From the time we were in sixth grade, we were inseparable.  We all got into trouble, and did things we shouldn't have done, but those days were some my happiest childhood memories, because instead of abuse and total chaos, The Hoyte's, and these old friends of mine, provide me with a safe happy place to collect great memories that I still have today.  I would love to reconnect, and begin building new memories with all of you, and now we have kids, that we can introduce and tell them some great stories.(with some details left out)

I am not trying to give excuses as to why I got so messed up, but I do understand why me, and so many of us, use our past as a reason to stay unhealthy.  Well I am here to tell you that the very opposite is true. The very fact that we have had difficulties in our lives, gives us a unique opportunity to be able to relate to others who are struggling with letting go of the hurt, and scars of the past.  It is OK to hurt, and to feel, and even to be upset about abuse.  However there is a point where we are only hurting ourselves by holding on to all of these hurtful stories.  Its like trying to get back at an attacker by punching yourself in the face.  Ouch!!

Stories?  Yeah I said it.  That is what they are really.  The only thing that exists is the present, and we have an opportunity to use the present to be a blessing to God,our families, our communities, and yes ourselves.  It is High Time that we Pour all of the Love that God has for us.  John 3:16 God so loved the world that he sent his only begotten Son that whomever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life.  He gave the life of his only Son.  Wow, unbelievable I couldn't do something like that. But I do know this, that if he died for us we can live for him.  And not just any life.  A life that is full of that kind of self sacrificial love.  Which means Letting go of the past, forgiving those that have trespassed against us, and moving on with a Happy, Healthy, and yes why not a Blissful Future.  God Bless you guys, please let me know if you have any questions or comments.  


Mike Lisle

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Day 3 Just Say No to Man Boobs..

Wow, what a great day.

I got more sleep last night than the night before, thank goodness.  I ended up having quite a bit of stomach growling yesterday, which is normal I'm sure for not having had any solid food for a day or so.  But what was interesting was how much I was completely fixated on food.  I could smell everything that the kids were eating, and it smelled really good.  I was experiencing hunger, not because I am hungry, its because I am addicted to food.  That's right I said it.  The more I think about what I'm doing, and what so many other's have done since this whole Reboot Revolution began, I am giving my body huge doses of vitamins, enzymes, minerals, phytonutrients such as polyphenols, epecatican galate, phenolic  proanthocyanadins,  and a bunch of other stuff nobody has ever heard of.  The long and the short of it, is that I am for the first time, in a very long time not hungry.  So why is my stomach quivering like a bowl of Jello in a 7.2 Earthquake, and my brain telling me to get up and go fix something with peanut butter on it, or some Nutella. You know what I'm talking about everyone, Nutella is the Bomb Diggity.  But anyway there is a craving that inst so dissimilar to that of a heroin addict going through withdraws.  I get it folks, we all love to eat, and not eating solid foods that we love for a few days so our body can just soak up much needed nutrients, do some healing, maybe give our body a chance to get back into balance just doesn't seem to be such a great trade off..Unless!!

Unless you watch a movie like Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead.  This movie has really made such a huge impact on me.  I have studied sports nutrition since I was sixteen years old, and doing something like this just seems counter intuitive to the person who is trying to build lean muscle, and wants to have plenty of energy for tough workouts.  The reality is, that I am 240 pounds, and have already bench pressed, and dead lifted , and built good size arms, when I was younger, and all I have to show for all of that lifting now is a lot of injuries, and some beginning stages of Man Boobs.  Yuck....Guys we dont want them do we...Heck No Jack!!!

I watched a guy who was 307 pounds, and in a period of 60 days he dropped 90 pounds.  That is What I want!!  The guy Joe, who is the man behind the movie, looks amazing today, and I would trade all of those vein weight lifting achievements to look that healthy.

Now some of you might be thinking...I know you do this fast for a while, and then you just gain back all of weight back that you lost in just a couple of weeks.  This may be the case for some.  However, my plan is to do the following.

Take a break from eating whole foods for a short period of time..10 Days..

Purpose is to give my digestive track a break from breaking down all of the garbage I have filling myself with, give my liver a breather, so it can catch up with all of the heavy work load that it was under.  And most of all give my body high doses of micro nutrients that I was starving my body of so I can bring my body and Mind back to balance, retrain my taste buds to enjoy Raw, whole, Organic if possible foods, that are alive and full of all of the good stuff that we all need to feel great all day every day.

Secondly Take the next ten days to begin to introduce Raw uncooked Veggies, Fruits, Nuts, Seeds, and other Super foods.  I do plan on getting a Green Source Protein, like Spirulina so I can start making smoothies, to increase my protein intake..I do plan on pumping the guns still...And getting used to this new way of eating, so I can do it for life, and share my success with others.

Thirdly, I am going to do a ten day Master Cleanse to complete my 30 day Challenge.  I am not going to lose  all of the weight, and invest all of this time and energy just to go back to my old ways.  Will I ever have a Baby Ruth again.  Who knows, but before I started this the majority of what I was eating was the high sugar, low nutrient foods, that we have all grown to love, and my plan moving forward is to make the majority of what I eat be all of the good stuff that we have been talking about.

Tomorrow I will talk a bit about the supplements that I am taking during this fast.  I recommend Source Naturals Products, Planetary Formulas, and I am really enjoying the KyoGreen Product that I am mixing in with my Juice to add even more Superness to my already Super Super-foods...Wow that is a  lot of Super..Makes you wonder if when all of this is over I should change my name, and wear a Red Cape and maybe not..What is wrong with me...Well that is for another Blog...Please leave comments if you are enjoying my daily blogs..Thanks everybody.God Bless and Healthy Eating.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Day2(Sorry I spent Day 1 very grumpy)(:

Wow feeling a bit better this morning than I did last night.  I have been drinking Juice for the last five days, but yesterday is the first Day that I drank only juice.  To catch you up with why I am doing this, and what I hope to gain from it..check it out..

I am 38 years old, I am married to Tricia Lisle, my beautiful wife who is a a massage therapist here in Scotts Valley CA.  I have 3 amazing kids, Jordan who is now a freshmen in High School, Madison who is 9 and in the 3rd grade, and Taylor who is six and in kindergarten.  On Day 1 of my Reboot my weight was at 248, way too much weight for a guy who has bad knees, damaged biceps ligaments, and constant aches and pains from being in a toxic state.  I had my picture last week, I will post it if I can, and I was totally disgusted with myself.  Not at all the picture of health that I saw in the mirror every day.  I realized that not only was I overweight but my kids were as well, with the exception of my son Jordan who is a picture of fitness..Nice to be fourteen right.  But not only is he fourteen, but I am the one who taught him how to eat, and how to train to gain muscle, and maintain good energy and flexibility.  He practices Martial arts 3 times per week, trains with the Football team at his High School, and is taking dance lessons on top of that, with a full load of homework as well.  I used to be that picture of health.  I spent many years working the Natural Foods Industry starting when I was sixteen years young, and was a store manager, customer service representative for Threshold Enterprises, the manufacture of Source Naturals, and Planetary Formulas.  I learned from the best.  James South, Rob Underhill, Roy Upton, Michael Tierra, and I have friends that are Industry leaders in the study of orthomolecular Biochemistry.  I was the go to guy in the office for questions on Sports Nutrition, and am known to be a library for useful and useless facts alike.  I am sometimes called Cliffy(Cliff Claven).

So How Did I get So Fat?

 So why with all of this know-how do I find myself in the state I am in today.  Pure and simple, I got away from my core beliefs about eating organic clean foods, and staying away from foods that are high in Saturated fat, and hydrogenated oils, I got addicted to pain killers after 3 knee surgeries, 1 biceps tendon reattachment surgery, and a couple of back injuries. The fact is that my life got away from me, instead of living it on purpose, I got stuck in a cycle of starting my day with coffee and lots of sugar and half and half, or worse nondairy creamer, and maybe I would eat a bagel with peanut-butter, or Nutella  on toast about 4 hours after I already woke up, and then I maybe would have a hug bowl of yogurt cottage cheese with almonds, raisins, honey, it all sounds good right?  The problem is that the amount could have served 4 people.  I may have 2 or three apples a week at most, maybe a few bananas a week, a  few oranges a week, and a total of 2 or three servings of veggies per week at most.  I occasionally get into a workout mode as some of you have seen over the years, but the only nutrient that I was making sure I was getting enough of was protein.  The biggest supplementing to my diet I was doing was Baby Ruth Candy Bars.  I Love Baby Ruth Candy Bars!!!!!  Did I say that Loud enough, and they are chock full of peanuts, High in Protein Right?  I also Love..Love..Love Cereal of all kinds. I should own Stock in Kellogg, Post, General Mills, All of them because I would eat pretty much a box of cereal every day if I didn't have 2 kids that ate it too, and I was always trying to figure out how much I could eat, and still leave some for the Kids.  Yikes...Dont Get me started on REESE'S PEANUT BUTTER CUPS. Twinkies, Ho Ho's Hershey's Chocolate Bars with Almonds, ICE CREAM.  Did I mention I dont smoke Marijuana at all.  This is without the Munchies.  Wait a Second, It is getting clear to me as I write this stuff why I am so fat.    I was always hungry because I wasn't giving my body the nutrients it so badly craved.  I am so glad that I am writing all of this stuff down, because I didn't realize that I was in this cycle until I watched Fat Sick and Nearly Dead.  I was so inspired by Joe, and Phil that I went out and got a wonderful Williams -Sonoma Juicer and am now doing my own Reboot.  Please check out the Video on Netflix, and by all means join me in doing a reboot.   I Recommend the juicer from Williams-Sonoma because it is powerful, easy to use, and most of all easy to clean.Join Mike Lisle and Do A Reboot...start by clicking here We can do it together, and keep each other motivated.  I will post pictures, and give daily updates on this blog, and on Facebook.  I cant wait to see what this day is going to produce.  Produce..How funny..Im up to my armpits in Produce right now...HA..